
plate of soft cooked vegetables

IDDSI Level 7 Food Diet: Explained

The Dysphagia Diet Level 7, also known as the Easy to Chew Diet, is a dietary plan designed for individuals with mild swallowing difficulties (dysphagia). This level of the diet...

IDDSI Level 7 Food Diet: Explained

The Dysphagia Diet Level 7, also known as the Easy to Chew Diet, is a dietary plan designed for individuals with mild swallowing difficulties (dysphagia). This level of the diet...

glass of water

What Does Thick Water Truly Taste Like?

"Thick water," which is water that has been thickened to a specific consistency using commercial thickeners, doesn't (or shouldn’t) have a distinct flavor. The process of thickening water doesn't typically...

What Does Thick Water Truly Taste Like?

"Thick water," which is water that has been thickened to a specific consistency using commercial thickeners, doesn't (or shouldn’t) have a distinct flavor. The process of thickening water doesn't typically...

person coughing or choking

8 Ways To Identify Aspiration

Aspiration occurs when foreign material, such as food, liquids, or saliva, enters the airway and makes its way into the lungs instead of down the esophagus and into the stomach....

8 Ways To Identify Aspiration

Aspiration occurs when foreign material, such as food, liquids, or saliva, enters the airway and makes its way into the lungs instead of down the esophagus and into the stomach....

doctor speaking with patient

Dysphagia Lusoria: A Rare Swallowing Disorder

Dysphagia Lusoria is a rare medical condition involving an abnormal course of the right subclavian artery. Normally, the right subclavian artery branches directly from the aorta to supply blood to...

Dysphagia Lusoria: A Rare Swallowing Disorder

Dysphagia Lusoria is a rare medical condition involving an abnormal course of the right subclavian artery. Normally, the right subclavian artery branches directly from the aorta to supply blood to...

person cutting a kiwi

IDDSI Level 5 Food Diet: Explained

The Dysphagia Diet Level 5, also known as the Dysphagia Minced and Moist Food Diet, is a dietary plan designed for individuals with moderate swallowing difficulties (dysphagia). This level of...

IDDSI Level 5 Food Diet: Explained

The Dysphagia Diet Level 5, also known as the Dysphagia Minced and Moist Food Diet, is a dietary plan designed for individuals with moderate swallowing difficulties (dysphagia). This level of...

doctor examining breathing on little girl

IDDSI Level 4 Food & Beverage Diet: Explained

The Dysphagia Diet Level 4, also known as the Dysphagia Extremely Thick/Pureed, is a specific dietary plan designed for individuals with severe swallowing difficulties (dysphagia). This level of the diet...

IDDSI Level 4 Food & Beverage Diet: Explained

The Dysphagia Diet Level 4, also known as the Dysphagia Extremely Thick/Pureed, is a specific dietary plan designed for individuals with severe swallowing difficulties (dysphagia). This level of the diet...