
pureed food

How To Puree Like a Pro Without a Blender

If you don't have a blender, don't sweat it! Here are a few alternative methods for pureeing foods without a blender: Food Processor:A food processor can be a good alternative...

How To Puree Like a Pro Without a Blender

If you don't have a blender, don't sweat it! Here are a few alternative methods for pureeing foods without a blender: Food Processor:A food processor can be a good alternative...

body tape measure

The Nutritional and Caloric Dilemma of Dysphagia

Individuals with dysphagia may not necessarily need more calories than the general population solely because of their swallowing difficulties. However, dysphagia can impact a person's ability to consume a regular...

The Nutritional and Caloric Dilemma of Dysphagia

Individuals with dysphagia may not necessarily need more calories than the general population solely because of their swallowing difficulties. However, dysphagia can impact a person's ability to consume a regular...

measuring cup with powdered thickener

Discovering the Best Thickeners

When deciding on a thickener for dysphagia it can depend on a variety of factors, including individual preferences, dietary restrictions, and the specific needs of the person with dysphagia. Here are some...

Discovering the Best Thickeners

When deciding on a thickener for dysphagia it can depend on a variety of factors, including individual preferences, dietary restrictions, and the specific needs of the person with dysphagia. Here are some...

pill bottle with medication

Tablets That Shouldn't Be Crushed

It's important to note that the list of medications that should not be crushed can vary, and the decision to crush a medication should always be made in consultation with...

Tablets That Shouldn't Be Crushed

It's important to note that the list of medications that should not be crushed can vary, and the decision to crush a medication should always be made in consultation with...

multiple empty medication bottles

Mastering Medication Crushing: A Quick Guide

Crushing medications should not be done without consulting a healthcare professional, as it can alter the intended effects of the medication and may lead to potential health risks. Crushing certain...

Mastering Medication Crushing: A Quick Guide

Crushing medications should not be done without consulting a healthcare professional, as it can alter the intended effects of the medication and may lead to potential health risks. Crushing certain...

nurse listening to patient

IDDSI Level 6 Food Diet: Explained

The Dysphagia Diet Level 6, also known as the Dysphagia Soft and Bite Sized Diet, is a dietary plan designed for individuals with mild to moderate swallowing difficulties (dysphagia). This...

IDDSI Level 6 Food Diet: Explained

The Dysphagia Diet Level 6, also known as the Dysphagia Soft and Bite Sized Diet, is a dietary plan designed for individuals with mild to moderate swallowing difficulties (dysphagia). This...